Welcome to the World’s First
Freestyle Trampoline Association!
The Freestyle Trampoline Association (FTA) is an organization of like-minded individuals and athletes in the trampoline industry who embrace the Freestyle element of sports. We have created an official community that provides a platform for athletes who want to express themselves in unique ways.
Traditional Trampoline has been around since the 1940's with the first World Championships in 1964. Since then, trampoline has had its ups and downs, but was accepted into the Olympics in 2000 thanks to the efforts of people like George Nissen, the inventor of the modern day trampoline. Freestyle Trampoline focuses on the wider spectrum of skills that are physically possible and includes not just difficult skills, but creativity as well.
Here at the FTA we encourage athletes to explore what their body and mind can do on a trampoline by experimenting in a very strategic step-by-step manner taught at our educational seminars. Through this creative learning process, Freestyle Trampoline athletes can unlock an infinite amount of skills.
We focus on helping athletes use trampoline to discover themselves and what makes them unique. These days, many professional acrobatic athletes are starting to turn to Freestyle because they see the limitless options available.
The FTA is taking a firm stance regarding the future of professional trampoline. In no way do we oppose the Olympic stream or traditional platforms, infact we encourage all Freestyle athletes to follow many of the conditioning protocols and training steps, however, we envision all trampoline athletes working together to enhance the sport and offer another option to the young athletes trying to discover their place in the world of Extreme Acrobatic Sports. We work alongside brands that support the Olympics and who see that we have a lot to offer to those athletes who simply want more options.

Freestyle Trampoline is the ‘new’ extreme action sport!
Corporations are using action sports as an effective way to keep their brands “cool” in the minds of today’s youth, by being receptive to trends that truly embrace and support their culture. Action Sports participants are strong with influencers within the 12 to 28 year old demographic, and companies are finding innovative ways to connect.
Acrobatics is one of the most popular action sports, comprising of gymnastics, trampolining, parkour, tricking, freerunning and tumbling. Over 500 million athletes and recreational participants engage each year through trampoline parks, competitive facilities, and free movement centers. There are literally thousands of young athletes going out into the natural environment showing off their acrobatic skills, which is evident from the millions of viewers watching and uploading videos across all social media platforms.
The Freestyle Trampoline Association will be the voice for those athletes that tend to get cast aside by traditionalists.

It is not about just throwing crazy tricks,
it's about being unique!
Our Association will offer our members and the audience who attends our events a new, exciting format where the athletes can be recognized, not just for their ability but for their unique individual style.
Our aim is to create an Association that revolutionizes the acrobatic market in a way that has never been done before.
We will do this through the following mechanisms:
√ Provide a platform for all freestyle acrobatic enthusiasts
√ Allow for unique individual expression and style
√ Create revenue generating options with a business model
√ Listen to the suggestions of our members and be all-inclusive
√ Made for Athletes, By the Athletes
The FTA is also taking a firm stand against bullying, especially online; including hate speech and offensive comments. We also do not allow or condone drug use or alcohol at any of our events. Any athlete showing signs of impairment will be removed from the event.
Freestyle Freddy; the FTA's official mascot